Advantages of studying in Turkey

Many foreign students want to continue their university studies in Turkey, due to many data added to the distinguished academic and educational level. 

In addition to matters related to living, life in Turkey is similar to life in many Arab countries.

Turkey is similar to many Arab countries in customs and traditions and the availability of halal food, in addition to the low costs of living, housing and transportation relative to the costs in European countries.

Among the most important advantages of studying in Turkey for those wishing to pursue their university studies:

  1. Strong academic level

Where many Turkish universities occupied advanced ranks in the international university rankings, in addition to the recognition of Turkish certificates globally, and provide all specializations.

  1.  English language availability 

The majority of public and private universities provide the possibility to study most majors in English, which makes learning the Turkish language not essential to university entry.

  1. The many facilities and grants offered by the Turkish government to foreign students 

In addition to the Erasmus program, which allows students to exchange with many international universities, which raises the level of educational reception.

  1. Practical Training 

Which is provided by all Turkish private and public universities, where Turkish universities are full of applied research centers and laboratories equipped with tools at the highest levels.

Turkish universities also have grounds and infrastructure that allow students to practice their specialization in a practical way, such as hospitals .

  1. In addition to the availability of huge libraries with references and resources, seminars and lectures are constantly held.
  1. Transportation 

It is considered an advantage for the residents of Turkey, as Turkey has a huge transportation network that connects the country to each other and facilitates movement, but it suffers from congestion at certain times, and it also offers students low wages.

  1. Tuition fees are acceptable , compared to universities in other countries.
  2.  Most Turkish universities give their students the opportunity to participate in cultural and social events by holding poetry evenings, seminars, lectures and music concerts.
  3. It also gives them the opportunity to participate in sports activities also through the establishment of sports competitions.
  4.  Availability of job opportunities after graduation, Turkey is full of hundreds of thousands of job opportunities for graduates.
Disadvantages of studying in Turkey

As for the disadvantages of studying in Turkey,

 Most of them revolve around foreigners’ unfamiliarity with the Turkish language. 

What constitutes an obstacle in the beginning that prevents the required communication with the Turks, and the fulfillment of related demands without an intermediary . 

And also the rent of housing: which is relatively high, especially in areas close to the center of the capital or the city 

The value of electricity, water, gas, telecommunications and fuel bills is also high, which makes many students want to live in university housing or shared youth housing.