Biruni Universities

Biruni Universities

About the university

Establishment date :  2014
City :  Istanbul – European section
Type of university : Private
Language of study : English – TURKISH

Local rating: 128
World Ranking: 4221
Number of students: 6000
Number of specialties: +36

About the university:

Al-Biruni University chose the name of the Muslim scholar Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni, who is skilled in various scientific fields, such as mathematics, astronomy and other sciences, to be its name, and who inspires it in its orientations and principles. medical specialties, and excelled in them.

Accreditation and Licensing:

Al-Biruni University is one of the universities licensed by the Turkish Higher Education Council Yök, and thus it is accredited and recognized in various countries of the world and the Arab countries, especially Egypt. You can find out more information related to recognition in your country by contacting us.

University vision and goals:

Al-Biruni University aims to be a pioneering, exemplary and innovative university in the business world, and to leave an imprint and impact on society through its educational and research services. and provide solutions to the problems of their community.

Biruni University in numbers:

  • Colleges 6
  • Postgraduate Institutes 1
  • Vocational Schools 1
  • Specialties +30
  • Students 6000
  • Global Ranking 4211
  • local classification 128

Why Biruni University?

  • Al-Biruni University directed its focus towards medical specializations, and thus made great progress in it that made it the focus of the attention of many students; To be the first step in the ladder of their future success, and her record was filled with many advantages, including:

  1. Al-Biruni University is one of the most comprehensive universities for medical specializations.
  2. Confining her focus to the field of medicine and health care made her establish a high quality of education in this field.
  3. The faculty at Al-Biruni University consists of the best academics and scholars in the world, numbering more than 200 academics.
  4. Al-Biruni University brings its students a lot closer to working life, through the two hospitals it owns.
  5. Laboratories and research centers equipped with the latest technologies based on modern technology in the world of medicine and health care, and the number of these laboratories and laboratories is 42 diversified laboratories.
  6. Al-Biruni University students can experience studying in the most powerful international universities; This is due to its membership in the Erasmus program funded by the European Union for student exchange between European universities.
  7. Al-Biruni University has a modern campus equipped with all modern means that support the student in his educational attainment and help him develop his talents in the recreational and cultural facilities attached to it.
  8. The university has prepared for its students all references and rare books in medicine and other disciplines in a library that includes thousands of specialized and diverse books, so the student does not find it difficult to conduct research and provide references.
  9. Ambition and strategic planning, as Al-Biruni University aims to reach the list of the 500 best universities in the world by 2023 AD, and it is walking steadily towards this goal.
  10. Al-Biruni University offers many scholarships and special offers (you can learn about them in detail when you contact the Registration Affairs Department of MEKKİ STUDY).


  • Al-Biruni University is located in the Topkapi district in the European section of Istanbul, where the civilization of the age is intertwined with the original heritage of the city, an area that is the link between the regions of Istanbul through the passage of many means of transportation.


  • Bahçeşehir University owns a safe and comfortable student housing complex consisting of twelve buildings, in which the university gives priority to housing for preparatory year students, and the fee varies according to the number of people in the room.

Registration requirements:

  • high school certificate
  • Passport copy
  • Personal Photos
  • Registration Form

You can find out more information, details, grants and offers by contacting Mekki Study.

Protokol Yolu No:45, 10. Yıl Cd., 34010 Zeytinburnu/İstanbul