Double Major in your study trip in Turkey

Study in Turkey

Many foreign students wish to continue their university studies in Turkey, due to many data added to the distinguished academic and educational level. 

In addition to matters related to living, life in Turkey is similar to life in many Arab countries.

Turkey is similar to many Arab countries in customs and traditions and the availability of halal food, in addition to the low costs of living, housing and transportation relative to the costs in European countries.

Double Major

Have you heard about a person who chose a particular major and after a while found that his choice was not the best or that after graduation he worked in a field different from his field of study?

Many undergraduates find themselves, after graduation, far from their main major, and based on these results, many researchers have found the need to study two fields at the same time during the undergraduate level.

This system allows people to choose two different university majors.

The double major system is a system that allows students to study a second major alongside the major at the same time, and this helps students who are interested in more than one field.

Thus, it increases job opportunities after graduation.

Double Major Features

First, it allows you to study more than one field at a time. It also provides years of study for students and increases their job opportunities and their practical and theoretical knowledge in more than one specialty.

It opens wider fields of creativity and integrates different specialists to produce new inventions that are in the interest of humanity and personal interest as well, which benefits society and raises its level and productivity.

Double major in Turkey 

The Turkish government has worked to support the dual specialization system by creating specializations close to each other and providing the possibility of obtaining admission in both specializations.

Turkish universities have also worked to organize lectures, hours and materials between two specializations, giving you the opportunity to register two specialists at the same time 

But it is very important to choose two close majors and also in one place, that is, in one university, so that you can reconcile both majors.

Turkish universities also provide great facilities for those wishing to study a dual major by reconciling attendance hours between the two majors. 

Why apply through a knowledge group in order to study in Turkey?

  • Free educational advice from a knowledge group
  • Discounts and special prices in addition to other features such as installments in some specialties
  • Guaranteed admission directly from the university  
  • Submission of partial and full scholarships
  • Follow up on payments and all legal matters
  • Receiving you in Turkey and securing all legal papers to obtain student residence