Eastern Mediterranean University

Eastern Mediterranean University

About the university

Establishment date :  1998
City :  Cyprus
Type of university : Private
Language of study : English – TURKISH

About Eastern Mediterranean University:

Eastern Mediterranean University is considered among the top 600 universities in the world for 2021 according to the classification of the World Ranking Agency Times, one of the oldest and largest public universities in Turkish Cyprus, and a favorite for most international students wishing to obtain a high level of academic qualification.
It is considered one of the universities that have a great international standing in education thanks to its educational programs that meet international standards in the quality of education and the advanced technical educational structure. The university has won 11 international and local accreditations and was ranked first in Northern Cyprus and second at the level of Turkish universities.

Founding of the university:

Eastern Mediterranean University started its educational career in 1979 in Northern Cyprus as a postgraduate institute with the aim of raising the level of academic qualifications of employees in certain fields and in 1986 it was converted into a public university.

University mission:

The tasks of the university are summarized in its constant quest to provide studies and scientific research that contribute to its development as an institution of higher education, so it was keen to be a public university that possesses the principles and values ​​of international education and follows an educational approach based on application and practice using modern technological techniques in order to provide educated and competent individuals with all abilities and skills And a full sense of responsibility towards society to provide ideal solutions to all forms of problems that the society may face.

University vision:

  • The vision of Eastern Mediterranean University is to be the leading and preferred university to study in Turkish Cyprus and to be an example in its high-level educational quality.

Eastern Mediterranean University Campus:

  • The university campus is one of the largest with a total area of ​​3 million square meters and is located in the famous city of Famagusta, which is the second largest city in Turkish Cyprus.
    The student environment at the Eastern Mediterranean University is one of the richest educational environments, as it has the best ingredients that exist in the most powerful international universities of modern classrooms, research centers and advanced training laboratories, in addition to interest in sports and recreational activities, as it has a huge sports palace that includes all halls and types of sports, a medical center and guidance It also includes social facilities such as cafes, restaurants, marine facilities, banks, financial exchanges, and transportation for students to and from the university.

Quick information about the university:

  • Eastern Mediterranean University teaches all modern academic departments in 12 university colleges, including the College of Medicine and Dentistry, the College of Pharmacy, the College of Health Sciences, the College of Engineering and the College of Law. 103 master’s and doctoral programmes.
    Eastern Mediterranean University has prepared a huge teaching body consisting of 1,100 highly qualified academic members from 35 countries around the world.
    The university has 17,000 students from 100 different countries around the world, and 60,000 experienced graduates have graduated from it.
    It has 51 cafes on its campus.

Advantages of studying at Eastern Mediterranean University:

  • The Eastern Mediterranean University relies on the English language in its teaching in addition to the Turkish language, and to develop students’ language skills, it has developed English language preparatory programs that meet international standards in education and are taught in a preparatory school there.
    She has 42 years of experience in teaching and training students in laboratories that keep pace with developments and modernity in order to ensure the provision of competent and successful individuals.
    It has membership in 32 local and international associations and associations, as its College of Dentistry is a member of the Association for Dental Education in Europe, and the College of Engineering is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, and its College of Medicine has a membership in the Educational Committee for Foreign Medical Graduates.
    Eastern Mediterranean University organizes its applied training and gives its students the professional skills required by the modern business world through a strong research structure consisting of 28 research and application centers prepared with the latest equipment and advanced technical equipment.
    It has a huge university library separate from the university campus that contains thousands of printed and electronic books in addition to magazines and information sources.
    What distinguishes it most is that it provides a lively learning environment rich in activities that take its students to another world of entertainment and culture from the activities and seminars that are held by 44 different student clubs.
    It has the opportunity to study two different specializations and obtain two graduation certificates at the same time, as it provides dual and subspecialty programs.
    The university provides student exchange programs with the best international universities from 13 different countries.

Some research centers at Eastern Mediterranean University:

  • Commercial Research Center.
    Energy Research Center.
    Urban Development Research Center.
    Building Science Research Center.
    Health Application Center.

You can find out more information, details, grants and offers by contacting Mekki Study.

İsmet İnönü Bulvarı, Gazimağusa