Isik University

Isik University

About the university

Establishment date :  1996
City :  Istanbul – European section
Type of university : Private
Language of study : English – TURKISH

Local rating: 100
World Ranking: 3235
Number of students: 7460
Number of specialties: 66

About the university:

Ishik University is affiliated to the  Feyz-i Sıbyan Educational Institution, which is one of the oldest educational institutions in Turkey. Its experience extends to 134 years of hard work. In 1996, Ishik University was established to be the outcome of a century of practical experience in the field of education, and it is one of the universities that compete strongly in the field of research. science in Turkey.

Accreditation and Licensing:

Ishik University was established under the license of the Turkish Higher Education Council Yök, and is thus accredited and recognized in various countries of the world, and Arab countries, including Egypt and Jordan, and you can get more information related to accreditation in your country when you contact us.

University vision and goals:

Ishik University was established under the license of the Turkish Higher Education Council Yök, and is thus accredited and recognized in various countries of the world, and Arab countries, including Egypt and Jordan, and you can get more information related to accreditation in your country when you contact us.

Isik University in numbers:

  • Colleges 5
  •  Postgraduate Institutes 2
  •  Language Institutes 1
  • Vocational Schools 2
  • Specialties 66
  •  Students +7000
  • Global Ranking 3235
  • local rating 100

Why Isik University?

  •  The establishment of Ishik University by the prestigious Feyz-i Sıbyan Foundation had a great role in making the university a distinguished destination and an excellent opportunity for students who have a bright future; Because of its advantages, including:

  1. It is a specialized university that has directed its attention and efforts to a specific number of sciences, in order to be able to provide the best quality of education.
  2. Ishik University is an environment that encourages creativity and a suitable incubator for creative students and academics who are considered among the best academics in their fields in Turkey.
  3. Ishik University follows the permanent quality policy system, through the formation of committees that monitor educational quality on a permanent basis, and follow up, evaluate and develop study programs in line with scientific development and the requirements of the changing era.
  4. A student at Ishik University can try studying in one of the most powerful international universities due to its membership in the European Erasmus Student Exchange Program, in addition to bilateral agreements with a number of universities in the United States, Mexico and Kazakhstan.
  5. Ishik University has a huge library that includes thousands of various books of interest to the student in his studies, which helps him to carry out the required research easily and easily.
  6. Ishik University is distinguished by its modern infrastructure, which contains hundreds of various facilities that help the student to spend the most beautiful times at the university.
  7. The student at Ishik University does not get caught up in the boring routine of studying; The university, through its many student clubs, carries out a variety of cultural, sports and artistic activities that allow the student to relax and study again.
  8. Ishik University has a wide scholarship system, covering many cases.


  • Ishik University has two campuses, the first in Sile on the Asian side, and the second in the Maslak area on the European side of Istanbul, and the university provides its students with free transportation between them.


  • Ishik University provides safe and comfortable student housing, close to the teaching sites, for males and females. It is equipped with all the necessary needs for a quiet and comfortable student life. The housing fee ranges between 8000 and 11000 liras.

Registration requirements:

  • high school certificate
  • Personal Photos
  • A copy of the passport

You can find out more information, details, grants and offers by contacting Mekki Study.

Meşrutiyet, Işık Ünv., 34980 Şile/İstanbul


Human Medicine 6 EN 25000 25000 $
dentist 5 EN 20000 20000 $
Flight training 4 EN 10000 7900 $
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 4 EN 7200 5530 $
Industrial Product Design 4 EN 7200 5530 $
Psychological counseling and guidance 4 EN 7200 5530 $
Teaching English 4 EN 7200 5530 $
Nutrition and Diet 4 EN 7200 5530 $
Photography and video 4 EN 7200 5530 $
Computer education and educational technologies 4 EN 7200 5530 $
educational sciences 4 EN 7200 5530 $
Pre-primary education 4 EN 7200 5530 $
artificial intelligence engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
civil engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Molecular engineering and genetics 4 EN 10200 7900 $
the industrial engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
computer engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Biomedical engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Energy Systems Engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
mechatronics engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
software engineering 4 EN 10200 7900 $
digital game design 4 EN 10200 7900 $
modern media 4 EN 10200 7900 $
communication design 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Cartoon and Animation 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Public relations 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Political Science and International Relations 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Advertising 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Film and Television 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Engineering Management 4 EN 10200 7900 $
American culture and literature 4 EN 10200 7900 $
EU relations 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Economy 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Maths 4 EN 10200 7900 $
International Trade 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Finance and Economics 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Business Management 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Logistics Management 4 EN 10200 7900 $
International Finance 4 EN 10200 7900 $
International Business and Trade Management 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Sociology 4 EN 10200 7900 $
psychology 4 EN 10200 7900 $
architecture 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Interior architecture and environmental design 4 EN 10200 7900 $
Rights 4 EN / TR 10200 7900 $
Psychological counseling and guidance 4 TR 5000 3890 $
pre-school education 4 TR 5000 3890 $
Nutrition and Diet 4 TR 7200 5530 $
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 4 TR 7200 5530 $
Nursing 4 TR 7200 5530 $
Phonetics 4 TR 7200 5530 $
Sociology 4 TR 7200 5530 $
The art of cooking and cooking 4 TR 7200 5530 $
Preparatory year for studying English 1 EN 7900 7900 $
Preparatory year for studying the Turkish language 1 TR 4400 4400 $