Registration in Turkish universities

Turkish private and public universities are distinguished by their academic level and support for scientific research, in addition to providing students with practical training opportunities, and opening up opportunities for them to practice practical life before graduation.

But there is a small obstacle for students who wish to pursue their undergraduate studies in private Turkish universities, which is the inability of the student to register directly, due to his inability to understand the details of the registration process.

Registration details for Turkish universities  

These details are many, including the available majors, tuition fees, necessary supporting documents, and registration conditions, in addition to knowing the registration laws and regulations. 

Here, the role of the mediator and the educational advisor emerges, and they are very prevalent in Turkey. They work to provide facilities to students, help them choose their majors, submit their identification papers, and obtain university admission.

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The role of the educational advisor during the registration process in Turkish universities 

First: The student determines the specialization he wants to study with the help of the educational advisor, and then prepares the necessary identification papers, which are a personal photo, a copy of the passport, high school certificate, and transcript.

Second: The mediator or the educational advisor submits the student’s file to the target university, as it takes 15 days to issue the initial acceptance, and the student is delivered his initial acceptance letter, to verify his data.

Third: The student pays the first installment of the tuition fees, which is about $1,000, while the university, after transferring the amount to its account, issues the final acceptance answer.

Fourth: The student submits a letter of acceptance to the Turkish Consulate, in addition to a passport valid for at least two months, a visa application form, and proof of financial ability by depositing a bank account or a financial grant document, including the cost of studying for a year at the university.

It pays visa application costs, submits a tax receipt that covers costs associated with the residence permit, and requires those under 18 with parental consent and birth certificate.

 The student obtains a travel visa, and then comes to Turkey to complete the registration procedures at the university.

Fifth: The student submits all his official papers to the university administration, accompanied by copies translated into Turkish.

Registration in Turkish public universities

 As for public universities, the situation is different, as there are no intermediaries or agents, but some limited advisors can help with this.

Registration in public universities depends on the direct registration system on the university’s website, and public universities rely on the “differentiation” system among students.

This means that students with the strongest profiles have the best chances of securing their seats in public universities.

Conditions of Turkish public universities

One of the most important conditions for public universities is for the student to obtain the ” YOS ” or “SAT” certificate, which is a test for foreign students, which contributes to raising the student’s average in his secondary certificate.

Universities set certain rates for each major, as a prerequisite for admission to public universities.

Public universities require to register in their classes a personal photo with a certain background, a passport and a copy of the high school certificate, in addition to certificates of proficiency in the English or Turkish language, if any, and YUZ or SAT as well.

University registration requirements

Registration in Turkish universities requires creating an account on the website, filling in personal and contact information, preparing the required papers and documents, sending the application and waiting for a response.

Turkish universities undertake to provide a high-quality level at the educational and academic level, and grant certificates recognized in various countries of the world.

It provides university cities with libraries, laboratories, research centers and gymnasiums. It is also characterized by the fact that the fees they charge are the cheapest and most appropriate among universities in most European countries.

In addition, most Turkish universities are members of the Erasmus student exchange system, which gives students the opportunity to complete their studies in any country of the European Union.

Also, most Turkish universities offer the opportunity to study most of the disciplines in English, in addition to studying some disciplines in some universities in Russian, German and Arabic.