Self-employment or traditional work after school


Self-employment is known as a parallel work system to the traditional system, where self-employment allows a person to determine the working hours and the appropriate financial compensation for them, and the tasks assigned to him under the agreement.

It is possible for a person to receive a sum of money for performing one or more tasks within a particular project.

Self-employment has become very popular lately


This type of work has become very popular recently, in conjunction with the spread of the culture of social networking sites and online work.

Where the culture of “remote work” has increased significantly, depending on the variables related to the age of speed, the adoption of the Internet in the completion of tasks, in addition to the restrictions of “Corona” that appeared recently, and made “remote work” a reality.

Therefore, you should know that there are academic disciplines that provide the student with the opportunity to practice self-employment, which is an important door to gain practical experience, strengthen skills, and enter the labor market for an appropriate financial return.


The most important of these specializations:


1- “ Graphic ”: It is one of the most important specializations that allows the graduate to work in self-employment, as most advertising companies intend to obtain distinctive designs for their products or visual materials for new graduates, where they present their demands and the specified financial compensation, while those wishing to implement these tasks provide their perceptions.

This specialty serves in many fields, in addition to advertising, it is used in illustrations and animation. Those wishing to practice this type of business must master basic design skills and color mixing theories and be proficient in design programs such as Photoshop.


Design - Freelance - Knowledge Group

2-   Architecture : the owners of urban projects resort to requesting the advice of some experts in the field of architecture to accomplish certain tasks or request a specific vision about a specific section of the project.

 Accordingly, the designers present their vision of the required and the appropriate financial consideration, while specifying the delivery time.


Architectural Engineering - Knowledge Group


3- “ Translation ”: It is one of the most important doors of self-employment, as it allows its owner to strengthen his language skills by translating various texts.

Often, specialists in this field work to establish translation work teams, with the breadth and diversity of their fields, which are too numerous to count.

It includes the translation of books and literature to the translation of documents, commercial and legal contracts and certificates, and the translation of reports, research, and scientific theses.


Knowledge Group - Translation

4-   Content industry : It is the most prominent specialization that allows free work, especially with the spread of electronic press, online shopping sites and real estate companies, which deliberately supplement their advertisements with targeted content.

This field expands to include writing reports, news and research, film and documentaries scenarios, TV program scripts, in addition to creating content for social networking sites.


Content writing - knowledge collection


5-   Programming : It is the basis of self-employment. No website can work without programming and web development. Those who wish to work with it must be familiar with software development techniques, and solve technical problems.


Knowledge Group - Programming


6-   Information technology : It has become widespread, especially with the boom in distance education technology, the spread of online training courses in many fields, and self-education skills.


7-   Marketing : It has emerged recently, especially with the spread of buying and selling online. The promotion process is an important stage in the sales process, and the innovative technology in promoting potential customers for any institution or company opens up prospects for this company by targeting successful goals and understanding the market.


Self-employment is also characterized by several advantages, including ease and comfort at work, qualitative independence financially and temporally, acquiring various skills and quietly entering the labor market to gain the required experience resulting from practical experience, which is the most effective type of experience.