Study Human Medicine in Turkey

Study Human Medicine in Turkey

In this article you will read:

  1. Study medicine in Turkey
  2. Study Human Medicine in Turkey
  3. Human medicine equipment in Turkish universities
  4. Human medicine in Turkish public universities
  5. Human medicine in Turkish private universities
  6. Why register with a knowledge group?

Study medicine in Turkey

Turkey ranks first in the Middle East and 12th in the world in terms of teaching medical specialties.

The Turkish government also pays great attention to studying medicine, by opening colleges in all states, in addition to providing Turkish scholarships and the opportunity for student exchange.

In addition to the large number of private Turkish universities that have their own hospitals for medical studies.

Therefore, Turkey was an ideal choice for many foreign students around the world, especially Arabs, to go to it to study medical specialties.

Study Human Medicine in Turkey

Human medicine is one of the famous specialties to study in Turkey due to several factors, including reasonable expenses and high equipment, in addition to the reputation that Turkish universities receive in the field of human medicine.

Number of years studying human medicine in Turkey:

It is known that the study of human medicine is 6 years in Turkish universities, after which the doctor can apply for the postgraduate examination for the specialty.

The name of the exam for postgraduate studies in the field of human medicine in Turkey TUS, and if he passes this exam, the doctor can choose the specialty he wants.

Human medicine equipment in Turkish universities

Turkey is generally famous in the field of medical tourism, which attracts millions around the world annually, whether for plastic surgeries or medication and treatment of diseases.

Turkish hospitals are considered among the most important hospitals around the world, with their equipment and services at the highest levels, as you find yourself in a hotel to feel psychologically comfortable.

The state has built many huge hospitals all over the country. One of the most famous hospitals in Turkey is “Kayasehir Hospital”, the largest hospital in Europe and the Middle East. 

Human medicine in Turkish public universities

The state built a center for medical and scientific research worldwide and encouraged public universities to join it. It also supported all public universities and equipped them at the highest levels to receive Turkish and foreign students.

Conditions for studying human medicine in Turkish public universities:

Turkish public universities require a YOS or SAT exam certificate, in addition to an average of more than 90% in the high school diploma .

In addition to the TOMER language certificate if the Turkish language is chosen, or the TOEFL certificate if the English language is chosen.

This is due to the languages in Turkish public universities

The costs of studying human medicine in Turkish public universities:

The costs vary greatly from one university to another, but the fees are symbolic in public universities, as they start from $1,000 annually and reach $7,000 annually. 

But you have to get acquainted with the distinguished Turkish government universities to study human medicine, and for your choice to be suitable with your financial capabilities, you can contact us to get the details.

The most important Turkish public universities to study human medicine:

  • Marmara University in Istanbul
  • May 19 University in Samsun Province
  • Gaziantep
  • Istanbul Cerrahpaşa University
  • Haji Tepe University 
  • Izzat Baysal Abant 

Human medicine in private public universities

Private Turkish universities have laboratories dedicated to scientific research in stem cell research, regenerative medicine and neurophysiology.

Turkish private universities are also distinguished by providing their cadres with specialists who have qualifications from the best universities in the world.

Costs of studying medicine in private Turkish universities

Studying medicine in private Turkish universities is acceptable in terms of costs and fees, given that they are equipped with modern laboratories and laboratories.

Turkish universities that study medicine in their programs rely on American and European teaching guidelines, allowing their graduates to complete their studies in various countries of the world.

  1. Aydin University , located on the European side of Istanbul, costs about 19,500 US dollars to study medicine.
  2. Altinbash in Istanbul, Europe, costs about 20,000 US dollars to study medicine there.
  3. Bahcesehir University , located in the European section of Istanbul, is studying medicine for 25 thousand US dollars.
  4. Medipol University in Asian Istanbul, studying medicine for $23,400.
  5. University in Istanbul, the cost of studying medicine in English is 20,000 US dollars.
  6. Koç University and studying human medicine in English is about 26,500 US dollars.

Why apply through a knowledge group in order to study in Turkey?

  • Free educational advice from a knowledge group
  • Discounts and special prices in addition to other features such as installments in some specialties
  • Guaranteed admission directly from the university  
  • Submission of partial and full scholarships
  • Follow up on payments and all legal matters
  • Receiving you in Turkey and securing all legal papers to obtain student residence