Study medicine in Turkish universities

Study medicine in private Turkish universities

Study medicine Turkey in private Turkish universities

Turkish universities are very popular with students wishing to complete their university studies at a good academic level, as they occupy advanced ranks in the international university rankings.

Many private universities allow students to study the branch of human medicine through advanced and intensive programs, and also offer them the opportunity for practical applications by providing laboratories and laboratories equipped with the latest model and equipped with all the needs and requirements for conducting practical experiments.

What do private universities offer to study medicine in Turkey

Universities have medical laboratories specialized in anatomy, medical biochemistry, genetics, and microbiology, which are among the most important tributaries of the study of medicine.

Private Turkish universities also have laboratories dedicated to scientific research in stem cell research, regenerative medicine and neurophysiology.

Turkish private universities are also distinguished by providing their cadres with specialists who have qualifications from the best universities in the world.

Medical equipment for studying medicine in private universities

Turkish private universities also provide their students with advanced technical equipment for practical application and scientific research, huge libraries containing thousands of references and paper and electronic encyclopedias, in addition to professional training in hospitals and medical groups.

The most important thing that makes Turkish universities the destination of many students wishing to study medicine is that they do not require a high average in high school, as 75% is sufficient for the student to progress to study medicine.

Costs of studying medicine in Turkish universities

Studying medicine in private Turkish universities is acceptable in terms of costs and fees, given that they are equipped with modern laboratories and laboratories.

Turkish universities that study medicine in their programs rely on American and European teaching guidelines, allowing their graduates to complete their studies in various countries of the world.

This pattern is represented in the student studying the first three years of the theoretical curriculum, and the following three years in which the student trains and works in qualified hospitals.

Advantages of studying medicine in Turkey

One of the most important advantages of studying medicine in Turkey is the possibility of intending to study in the English language, as most Turkish universities offer this option to students who wish to do so.

The average costs of private universities to study human medicine in Turkey:

  1. Aydin University , located on the European side of Istanbul, costs about 19,500 US dollars to study medicine.
  2. Altinbash in Istanbul, Europe, costs about 20,000 US dollars to study medicine there.
  3. Bahcesehir University , located in the European section of Istanbul, is studying medicine for 25 thousand US dollars.
  4. Istanbul Okan On the Asian side of Istanbul, the cost of studying medicine is 19,475 US dollars.
  5. Medipol University in Asian Istanbul, studying medicine for $23,400.
  6. Yeditepe University in Istanbul, studying medicine in English for $27,500.
  7. Al -Biruni University in Istanbul, the cost of studying medicine in English is 20,000 US dollars.
  8. Atilim in Ankara is studying medicine in English for $15,000 USD.
  9. Maltepe in Istanbul, the cost of studying medicine in English is 17,500 US dollars.
  10. Istinye in Istanbul, studying human medicine in English for $20,000 USD. Turkish Baskent costs 13,500 USD.
  11. Agip Adam University teaches medicine in English at a cost of 20,000 US dollars.
  12. Economic Izmir , studying medicine in English for 15,000 US dollars.
  13. Koç University and the study of human medicine in English is about 26,500 US dollars.

What do Turkish universities require to study medicine

Private Turkish universities do not require the YOS test for their students, only 74% must be achieved in high school.

It is noteworthy that Turkey ranks first in the Middle East and 12th in the world in terms of teaching medical specialties.

The Turkish government also pays great attention to studying medicine, by opening colleges in all states, in addition to providing Turkish scholarships and the opportunity for student exchange.

Registration at the Turkish private university requires submitting an affiliation application form that can be obtained from the university’s website, and a copy of the passport valid for at least one year.

Also, a copy of the attested high school diploma along with the transcript, a copy of the language proficiency certificate, the bank statement and payment of registration fees.