Tawjihi in Jordan and study in Turkey

Study in Turkey 

Many foreign students wish to continue their university studies in Turkey, due to many data added to the distinguished academic and educational level. 

In addition to matters related to living, life in Turkey is similar to life in many Arab countries.

Turkey is similar to many Arab countries in customs and traditions and the availability of halal food, in addition to the low costs of living, housing and transportation relative to the costs in European countries.

Study in Turkey for a foreign student

First, a foreign student is a student coming from any other Arab or Western country. In Turkey, any student who has not completed his secondary studies in Turkey or Turkish Cyprus is considered a foreign student. 

High school diploma in Turkey

It is very important for you to know that the higher education system in Turkey relies heavily on the high school diploma in all its forms and also on some internationally accredited exams in various countries such as SAT and IELTS to be able to apply for admission to public or private Turkish universities

Tawjihi in Jordan and study in Turkey

If you are a Jordanian student and you have completed high school in Jordan, or as it is called (Tawjihi), you are now able to enroll in private Turkish universities or Turkish public universities. 

As the Tawjihi certificate that you possess now is sufficient to be able to obtain admission in Turkish universities, and all you have to do is choose the appropriate major and university to try to meet the rest of the conditions.

In recent times, most private Turkish universities have provided many facilities for Jordanian students to register, as they no longer require many additional papers and certificates and rely only on the Tawjihi certificate.

Low guiding rate! Can I enroll in Turkish universities 

As for the Tawjihi rate, it does not make a big difference to study in Turkey if you want to study medicine, pharmacy or any specialty, there is no problem if the Tawjihi rate is low or average.

But it is very important to know the law of your country in this field and how to practice your work after graduating from Turkish universities in Jordan and Jordanian hospitals.

Why apply through a knowledge group in order to study in Turkey?

  • Free educational advice from a knowledge group
  • Discounts and special prices in addition to other features such as installments in some specialties
  • Guaranteed admission directly from the university  
  • Submission of partial and full scholarships
  • Follow up on payments and all legal matters
  • Receiving you in Turkey and securing all legal papers to obtain student residence

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