Yeditepe University

About the university

Establishment date :  1996
City :  Istanbul – Asian section
Type of university : Private
Language of study : English – TURKISH

Local rating: 49
World Ranking: 2044
Number of students: 21755
Number of specialties: 203

About the university:

More than a quarter of a century ago, specifically in 1996 AD, the leading Istanbul Foundation for Education and Culture in Turkey established Yeditepe University, as a result of many years of experience working in the field of education and culture, and during these years Yeditepe University became one of the main pillars of higher education in Turkey.

Accreditation and Licensing:

Yeditepe University is licensed by the Turkish Higher Education Council Yök, and thus is accredited and recognized in most countries of the world, in addition to Arab countries such as Egypt, Jordan and others, and you will get all the details related to recognition of your country when you contact the registration department of Mekki Group , the authorized agent for Turkish universities .

University vision and goals:

In essence, the vision of Yeditepe University is to graduate creative students who are able to make a positive change in their lives and the society in which they live. It also aims to be a global university among the largest universities in the world.

Yeditepe University in numbers:

  • Colleges 13
  •  5 . institutes
  • Specialties 203
  •  Students 21755
  • Alumni 47391
  • World Ranking 2044
  • Local classification 49

Why YeditepeUniversity?

  • The many advantages and the ideal university life that Yeditepe University provides to its students, made it one of the best destinations for students who have a sense of creativity and a desire to prove themselves and succeed in their future, and some of the advantages of Yeditepe University:
  1. It is a university that encourages research and develops the talents of its students. It has even obtained 392 patents in various fields.
  2. Yeditepe University is one of the most diverse universities that offer a variety of study programs that meet the needs of students and the requirements of the labor market. The study programs there have exceeded two hundred academic programs.
  3. Yeditepe University has a teaching staff that is one of the largest and strongest teaching staff in Turkish universities, as the number of academics is 1275 academics, and their ratio to the number of students is one professor for every 15 students, which is an excellent ratio that may not be available in schools, which helps the student to get the best educational quality.
  4. Yeditepe University is affiliated with a group of hospitals and general medical centers specialized in dentistry, ophthalmology and genetics, and there are 3 hospitals and 4 specialized centers.
  5. The student at Yeditepe University takes enough practical training during education with academic studies, so he goes out to the labor market armed with all the tools necessary to achieve success in life.
  6. Yeditepe University attaches great importance to the research aspect, and allows its students to conduct their research in 21 research centers that are among the most modern at the level of Turkish universities.
  7. Yeditepe University students live an entertaining life parallel to their academic life through student clubs that carry out many activities that break the routine of studying and prepare students to study again.
  8. Graduates do not leave the university family after their graduation, as the university continues to follow up on them and provide them with everything they need in their practical lives, including advice and guidance, through the university’s graduate office.


  • Yeditepe University is located in the Asian side of Istanbul, specifically in the Ateşehir district, where the beauty of nature meets the elegance of the place and public transport links.

Registration requirements:

  • high school certificate
  • Passport copy
  • Personal Photos
  • Registration Form

You can find out more information, details, grants and offers by contacting Mekki Study.

University location on Google Maps

İnönü Mah, Kayışdağı Cd. No:326A, 34755 Ataşehir/İstanbul